Narcissism 101

Top 10 Things That Make the Covert Narcissist Panic


Number 5: Being asked personal questions.

Number one, they do not like to be challenged, but they also fear these types of interactions because they fear that sharing too much could reveal their insecurities or, even worse, their inconsistencies. Remember, nothing is more important to a covert narcissist than their image of how others view them, and being put on the spot with personal questions can make them panic because almost everything they do and say is very carefully crafted and scripted.

So impromptu questions of a personal nature that they had not prepared for and meticulously crafted ahead of time make them feel incredibly vulnerable. They can even view these interactions as intentional malicious acts by the person who posed the questions, as that would likely be their motivation if the tables were turned.

Number 6: They hate encounters with genuine experts.

Again, these people feel incredibly vulnerable if they deem an interaction could expose any of their insecurities, inconsistencies, or lack of knowledge or depth. So people who are more educated than they are about certain topics feel incredibly threatened by the covert narcissists and will activate their terror of exposure.

They want to be viewed as the most educated, special, talented, and trusted individuals in the room at all times and usually will avoid situations with anyone they view as more knowledgeable than they are.

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