Narcissism 101

Top 10 Things That Make the Covert Narcissist Panic


Number 9: When they feel their allies or flying monkeys have been disloyal to them.

All narcissists expect their flying monkeys to be 1000% loyal to them and the image that they are trying to promote at all times, under all circumstances. So when they feel that one of those people is not adequately loyal and devoted to them, that is going to be a huge problem.

Remember, covert narcissists expect their enablers to do much of their dirty work so they can remain adequately hidden and their true character masked. So when someone betrays their trust, I can guarantee you that specific flying monkey orally is going to suffer some form of punishment from this narcissist one way or the other. The covert narcissist will get the message to them loud and clear that their disloyalty will not be tolerated.

Number 10: Experience humor at their expense.

Covert narcissists take themselves incredibly seriously. They want to feel respected and admired at all times, so if and when someone makes them the butt of their joke, they will not be pleased. To them, that is an act of complete disrespect, even a light-hearted joke that was not intended to upset or disrespect them in any way.

They do not have any sense of humor when it comes to themselves and how they believe they should be treated. Covert narcissists are serious about other people showing them respect and dignity, and becoming the punch line of someone else’s joke can feel like a serious threat to their ego.

Read More: 7 Things Narcissists Do When They Feel Unobserved

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