Number 1: They’ll make you feel guilty for everything.
The goal of the guilt trip is to make them feel bad, control them, and draw attention away from their behavior, which is the real problem. They have also done wrong things to their partners. Everything is backward and upside down as if the world were turned on its head. The narcissist uses the guilt trip to make them feel like they are the ones who have been hurt by your bad behavior, even though it’s the other way around.
When they fail to control, dominate, trick, gaslight, or manipulate you, they may even say that you are the one manipulating them. Even better, they are trying to change the way someone else sees you. By projecting their own dysfunctional and toxic behavior onto you, they are trying to turn your psychological reality on its head.
Narcissists will sometimes use guilt tripping as a form of psychological terrorism to play the victim. It’s also a trick to keep you in the relationship. If it works, it takes all of their responsibility off of them and puts it on you. Because they use the guilt trip, narcissists can take advantage of the fact that you care deeply and have a lot of empathy. It’s meant to get you to stop paying attention to your own needs and pay attention to them instead. In their eyes, it’s all about keeping power, authority, and a sense of self-importance.
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