Narcissism 101

6 Things Narcissists Will Do When It’s Hard To Control You


Number 5: Give out threats.

Now what I’m talking about isn’t as bad as hitting someone, it is possible but not a given that this kind of behavior can be a part of narcissistic abuse. On the other hand, threats are more likely to be psychological than physical. For example, the fear of being left alone can be brought up by the thought of being rejected by other people.

We all want to feel like we belong whether it’s to a family, a lover, or a group of people with similar interests. In reality, threats don’t change people’s minds, which narcissists don’t understand. But in the short term, narcissists can have a big effect on how other people act when they are around them.

The goal is to take charge of your actions, choices, ideas, and voice in a way that is both effective and efficient. If the narcissist does this in a hostile or violent way, it can be used to get you to give in to him or her for a long time. Because of course, this gives the narcissist something to feel good about. We all know that a narcissist wants to be seen as better than other people because that makes them feel good about themselves.

Read More: 8 Signs You Are Dealing with Narcissistic Abuse

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