Narcissism 101

When Should You Leave a Narcissist?


Number 2: When you realize you will never be first.

 People with narcissism will always put their wants and needs before anyone else’s. They are the superior ones in the relationship and it can be difficult to accept that as the other party in the relationship. Many times, a victim can be aware for a long time that they are not and never will be as important, but they stay because they don’t want to lose that comfort of the relationship.

The thing about narcissists is that if you try to talk to them about your feelings, they will not accept that they are anything less than perfect and turn it back onto you. This means they will turn the situation back onto you, make you feel like you are crazy, gaslight you, or even tell you their needs are not being met.

Being the victim in this and finally realizing you have to leave can be terrifying, especially when all you’ve known is that relationship for such a long time. It is important that once you, as the victim, realize that your needs are never going to be important, leave the narcissist and find the right support system.

You may also want to read this:

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Number 3: When you have the right support system.

 This one is important because a support system can go a long way. It is said that a support system is crucial when leaving a narcissistic relationship. Narcissists will always try to retaliate and the victim will need support from the outside to remind them originally why they left.

Victims many times will fall into the trap and run back to the abuser because they will convince the victim things will change. Having outside support when times get tough might save a victim from being hurt again.

Number 4: Your list of reasons to leave is longer than your list to stay.

If you are contemplating your relationship and starting to realize the person you are in love with is a narcissist, or that your relationship has become toxic, or if you find yourself debating whether to stay and try to fix things, it can be easier to make a list.

Make lists of the good and bad things about your partner. If you start to notice that the bad list is getting longer than the good, then that may be a sign that the relationship is better off than the ending.

You might notice some of the items on the list are things such as my partner being selfish, doesn’t feel important, me feeling less important, my partner doesn’t support my decisions, and they hurting me more than lifting me.

If you believe your partner can change the things on the list, then it can be worth fighting for, but at this point, you should know your partner’s capabilities. You should have a general idea if your partner has the flexibility to fix their way of thinking.

The list may also help be a realization of how many problems lie within the relationship and that maybe there are too many problems to fix. When your list of issues within the relationship reaches more than a page, that may be an indication that the relationship is too far gone to fix.

You may also want to read this:

6 things That Instantly Triggers a Narcissist

7 Things That Will Happen During Narcissistic Rage

10 Things A Narcissist Wants After A Breakup

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